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It seems like you're mentioning information about a type of motor oil. "Passenger Car Motor Oil" (PCMO) refers to motor oil specifically designed for use in passenger vehicles, such as cars and light trucks. The "5W30" refers to the viscosity grade of the oil, indicating how thick or thin the oil is at different temperatures. In this case, the "5W" indicates that the oil has a low viscosity when cold, which aids in easier cold starts, and the "30" indicates its viscosity at operating temperatures.

"API SN" is an American Petroleum Institute (API) service category for motor oils. The "SN" designation indicates that the oil meets certain performance requirements and tests for modern gasoline engines. It is an improvement over previous specifications and provides better protection against engine wear, deposits, and oil breakdown.

"ASTON SYNTH" appears to be the brand name of the synthetic motor oil you're referring to.

Overall, the information you've provided suggests that the "ASTON SYNTH" brand offers a synthetic 5W30 API SN motor oil designed for use in passenger vehicles with modern gasoline engines. This type of motor oil is engineered to provide optimal lubrication and protection for your engine under a variety of operating conditions.

Feel Free to Contact Us Akshar Petrochem Industries

  • We have placed the name of our company in the list of top-notch firms of industry by serving excellently to the always changing requirements of customers.
  • Quality and total client satisfaction is always ensured by us.
  • We have infrastructure unit with ultra-modern tools and technologies that are upgraded on regular intervals to ensure their long run.
  • We are backed by reliable human resources and authentic vendor base.
  • We strive hard to cater the preferences of the customers by providing them optimum quality lubricating oil and greases.
  • We offering competetive pricing and immediate delivery.

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